What is a Synchronous Motor?
A synchronous motor is an AC motor that generates torque by the interaction of the excitation magnetic field supplied by a direct current and the rotating magnetic field of the armature, and rotates at a synchronous speed.) is an AC motor that generates torque by the interaction of the DC-powered excitation magnetic field and the rotating magnetic field of the armature, which rotates at a synchronous speed. A synchronous motor is an AC motor that generates torque by the interaction of the excitation magnetic field supplied by a direct current and the rotating magnetic field of the armature, and rotates at a synchronous speed.) is an AC motor that generates torque by the interaction of the DC-powered excitation magnetic field and the rotating magnetic field of the armature, which rotates at a synchronous speed. An AC motor in which the rotation of the rotor is the same as the rotation of the stator's rotating magnetic field. The rotor speed n, the number of magnetic pole pairs p, a...