
Showing posts from March, 2021

What is a Synchronous Motor?

A synchronous motor is an AC motor that generates torque by the interaction of the excitation magnetic field supplied by a direct current and the rotating magnetic field of the armature, and rotates at a synchronous speed.) is an AC motor that generates torque by the interaction of the DC-powered excitation magnetic field and the rotating magnetic field of the armature, which rotates at a synchronous speed. A synchronous motor is an AC motor that generates torque by the interaction of the excitation magnetic field supplied by a direct current and the rotating magnetic field of the armature, and rotates at a synchronous speed.) is an AC motor that generates torque by the interaction of the DC-powered excitation magnetic field and the rotating magnetic field of the armature, which rotates at a synchronous speed. An AC motor in which the rotation of the rotor is the same as the rotation of the stator's rotating magnetic field. The rotor speed n, the number of magnetic pole pairs p, a...

Clamp Diodes: Principles, Functions, and Applications

Clamp means jamming the position. In circuit, is means controlling the voltage. Clamp Diode is a kind of diode that is used to limit the potential of a certain point in the circuit, controlling the input voltage to a peak value to a predetermined voltage, without changing the signal. The working principlealso the unidirectional conductivity of the diode. What is the principle of  clamping diodes ? To understand this question, you must first understand clampping circuit. A circuit that can fix a certain part of the input and output signal waveform at a selected level is called a clamp circuit. If you want to change the clamp level, you can connect a DC potential in the circuit. If you want to clamp the bottom of the pulse, you can reverse the diode on the side. The following figure shows the input signal clamping circuit of a typical integrated operational amplifier block. The clampping diode protection circuit is consisted of two diodes in  reverse series . Only one ...